Last year)
I had unprotected sex and a few weeks later woke up with nausea. I didn't think I was pregnant I thought maybe I was ill. I only had this sickness twice. I started putting on weight and when I look back at photographs I look pregnant.
I took three pregnancy tests and had a faint but clear line on two of them.

The thing that confused me was two of the tests were positive, but very very faint.
I took the tests around a month after having unprotected intercourse.

My friend told me it could have been a faulty test
the sickness stopped so I thought It was my imagination.
Around a month later, I went to bed and had severe pains in my stomach. Thought nothing of it but the next day (This is the horrid part)

I went to the bathroom and had awful cramps in my lower abdomen
I started bleeding ALOT and had pains *down there* Like contraction pains every few seconds, like 30 seconds apart

The pain was so bad I wanted to scream but kept calm. I got into a cold bath and thought maybe it was a very heavy period and thought it was something wrong with me down there, thats why I thought I had the pain, but when I look back I realise that it could have been a miscarriage as I lost so much blood, and because of the pain
I didn't see anything but there were blood clots too

My periods were previously irregular, and I had no period for two and a half months before This happened.

So, my questions are
1. do you think this was a miscarriage or faulty tests/late period
2. if you think it was a miscarriage, should I go to the doctor about it (even though it has been a year?)
3. Can miscarriages be fairly quick ? I was in the bathroom for around 30mins and was bleeding when I felt the pains

4. If you think this was a miscarriage, is it normal to only lose blood?

I know this question sounds dumb but im really confused
I think I am in denial.
