I was riding my bike through an intersection when a Nissan Frontier hit me while turning right just as I rode in front of the car. The light was green for me to go, and the driver was over the second line of the crosswalk. She hit my left side and I fell to the ground. My bike was moderately damaged and I received a sprained ankle that is still swollen, stiff and a bit painful 5 weeks after the accident. I had to walk on crutches for 2 weeks and still could not walk the same or perform my normal activities for 2 more weeks. My bike damage estimate was calculated to $850, since the bike was totaled. The medical bills add up to about $800 so far. The police report stated that the driver was at fault and did not mention me being at fault at all. Her insurance is trying to pay for half of the monetary damages and give me $200 for pain and suffering.

I would like to avoid hiring an attorney, but I am having difficulty calculating a reasonable compensation for pain and suffering. Any suggestions??