ok so i just bought this car its a g6 2005 V6 ... pontiac obviously.... anyways...... Ive been wanting to ask my dad but ive been busy and right now he is unavailable so im wondering if someone can answer this question:

The car started making weird noises when i would stop and run it for exmaple stopping at a red light then running it again thats when it would make some weird noise and it felt weird driving it.. like the brakes wanted to stay stuck or something. So that happened once and yesterday it started to happen more frequent at every red stop and also! when i would put it on Park while still on and then changing it back so i could drive it. that change made that weird noise again. Its hard to explain throught here i hope you kinda understood what i was talking about it feels like the breaks or idk not sure my bf mentioned the transmission I HOPE ITS NOT THAT! any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Noise is like a popping sound.
Im sorrry but weird noise is all i can come up with anways lets see what else i could add... hmm it starts running faster after it makes that strange noise.... its like a pop sound......and it moves the car kinda moves a little.