I don't know what to believe about my sexuality. I mean, I definitely know I like guys and if I ever get into a relationship, I want it to be with a man. If I see a guy shirtless, I turn away and I feel myself very deeply blush and I admit it, but sometimes I also sometimes glance back over, partly hoping he's still shirtless. For a girl I also turn away very shy but I'm also a shy and anxious person. But the main reason I'm asking for help is because I took some quizzes(like Dr.Phil's) to see if I'm gay or not(since I've never been in a relationship) and almost every time it says I am and because of those, I feel confused. But those questions don't make sense to me either, How does eating cereal determine if someone's gay? Anyway, um, I never thought of kissing a girl or being in a committed relationship with them, I think of them more as my sisters(for the ones who are my friends), but at the same time, I can't seem to see myself with a guy either and most of my friends are girls same as my characters for writing and drawing. I can't help but feel like I'm being judged for everything, I'm almost in tears and having an anxiety attack as I write this. I don't know if this is normal for 21 year old girls or anyone to go through or not, but I just, I can't help it. I think I'm more asexual/straight but according to my looks, I'm not, same as my actions, but again I know I'm very shy and anxious and I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. I'm just so confused and it doesn't help much that word get jumbled in my head because of PMD as well as hearing voices in my head, I just don't know. One of the voices says I'm in denial, is that true? Please, can anyone help??