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  1. #1
    Teeegie's Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    Proponents of such policies would like to see us fork over trillions to the people who least need it and won't use it, but rather like the effect a fat brokerage statement has on their ego. All the while, tens of millions go without basic healthcare, a college education continues to slip out of reach for more and more each year, our industrial base is shipped overseas, real wages for 80% of the public decline, and our infrastructure rots away. Our schools are falling down, our roads are decaying, our collective intelligence is plummeting - yet as the great nation their ancestors built turns to dust, millions of conservatives cry out for more bread and circuses - or was it tax cuts? Anyone else here ever study the decline and fall of ancient Rome? Because the parallels are both numerous and ominous.So, in the name of ideology and in defiance of massive quantities of evidence, have conservatives put us on the fast track to the third world? Is there still time to turn things around? Even if there is physically, do you believe the public will actually support doing so? Or will they keep up the self-obsessed clamoring for tax cuts until there's nothing left to mortgage off to Asian countries and OPEC?Galaxie Girl,It's not copied from anywhere, save my own thoughts. Plug it into Google if you don't believe me."But they're wrong about the reason - it's the liberal policies, not conservative ones."That's not what our creditors think - you know, the people and countries that actually have to put their money where their mouth is."The conservative policies are what built this country up,"BZZZ!!! Wrong. It was the liberal, Hamiltonian policies of the American System/School that did it."the liberal policies are what have made millions dependent on the govt and incapable of taking care of themselves."Where are these supposed millions? I was in the LA area a few weeks ago, and none of the new homeless there got so much as a TENT from the government - as for handouts... well, hundreds were sleeping in their cars at a stop along the PCH, so I think you may be... how to put this... making crap up.Mike,I don't blame the rich, I blame the politicians who put satisfying their unquenchable greed ahead of the national interest."For example - what is it about the business enviornment in the US that is causing business to move overseas? High labor costs? High business taxes? Excessive government regulation?"Yep, I'm sure China's massive manipulation of exchange rates and global savings had nothing to do with it. Nope, all of those pesky regulations - like the ones that stopped the financial crisis from happening. Oh wait..."If you want to create jobs then you have to free up money to the people who invest in business and for those business themselves."What are you talking about? There's plenty of money out there - look at the balance sheet of Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase if you don't believe me. The problem isn't lack of MONEY on the supply side, it's lack of DEMAND.Desmerieda,Warren Buffett has said many of the same things. I suppose he's a lazy, unemployed welfare bum too?

  2. #2
    !C3M@n's Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    Whoever you copied this from was right about one thing - we're following Rome's decline. But they're wrong about the reason - it's the liberal policies, not conservative ones. The conservative policies are what built this country up, the liberal policies are what have made millions dependent on the govt and incapable of taking care of themselves.

  3. #3
    !*Y U!*
    !*Y U!*'s Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    Instead of blaming the 'rich' for these things - why don't youa ddress issues and causes.For example - what is it about the business enviornment in the US that is causing business to move overseas? High labor costs? High business taxes? Excessive government regulation?If you want to create jobs then you have to free up money to the people who invest in business and for those business themselves.Government cannot create jobs or grow the economy. The only people who can do this are the people who invest in business and those business themselves.

  4. #4
    !!amanday trick!!
    !!amanday trick!!'s Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    Yes, and the estate tax is a perfect example

  5. #5
    philkillen's Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    If you ever get a job, you attitude will change.

  6. #6
    Philips's Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    The conservatives are not to blame sorry to burst you bubble.Basic health care? Ever heard of Medicaid and Medicare-we don't need to add another failing program which will go down the same path of abuse and misuse.Industries go over seas because of unions striking for higher wages, less taxes, and less government regulation.Schools are failing because we have a generation of kids who don't care and have been raised on the assumption you don't have to try because the government will take of you anyway.Infrastructures are decaying because they weren't built right to begin with. My ex husband works in this field and you wouldn't believe what the contractors try to get away with and how lazy the government workers are.Tax cuts will help stimulate the economy by putting money back into the hands of the people who earned it only. If they have more money then they will spend it and the economy will be better for it.Yes we could turn it around if we can get away from the drain of social programs and lessen the government's hold over the private sector and private enterprise. Our country functioned better when there was less government interference.Rome fell because the leadership over stepped its bounds.

  7. #7
    !!TWILIGHT!!'s Avatar

    Pro-wealth, anti-worker conservative policies: fast track to the third world?

    I read your rant, and aside from quoting no facts, and citing no sources, it was fairly amusing. I like the Roman part, very entertaining.I guess I'm a fiscal conservative. The Federal Government is not a profit center. They don't manufacture any goods. They take our money, skim a share off the top, and give it back to us as programs. We have something called the Constitution of the United States. It limits the power of the federal government. People tend to forget this document. I only need the federal government to provide a few basic necessities. Most of what you mentioned are state issues.So, how about this. Let's pare the federal government down to a bare minimum. Get their wasteful hands out of our pockets. Healthcare, College, Jobs, Schools, Roads, none of these are federal issues. Why does the federal government need to collect taxes, then distribute it to the state and local governments? This is extremely inefficient. Let the money stay close to those who will benefit from it.That is how we will save America. Or did you mean that you want America to turn into another socialist dictatorship?



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