Long story short: I went to the ER because of an extreme headache when I was 32 weeks pregnant and was told that I had severe pre-eclampsia and would have to deliver my baby 2 months early. A short while later they also told me that I had HELLP syndrome (my OB thought that my severe sickness and all that was because of all the stress I was under when I was pregnant). After 2 days of complications I swore I would never have another baby, but I'm grateful for the one I do have.

I am soo glad I have my son but that almost wasn't the case. He was barely hanging in there when the doctors finally decided to give up on forcing my labor and opted for a c-section. His heart rate dropped drastically every time I would have a contraction and they eventually decided that the stress was too much for him.

Anyway, I'm not comfortable giving alot of details to total strangers (no offense) but I want you to understand why I'm so afraid to go through this again. I really want to have another baby when my son gets a little older (hes 14 mos. now) but I'm absolutely terrified that I will have to go through this again. I've heard that moms that have had HELLP syndrome once are more likely to have it again and that pre-eclampsia is almost guaranteed with subsequent pregnancies. I also heard that pre-eclampsia happens sooner and to worse extremes with each pregnancy. That probably scares me the most since my pre-eclampsia was pretty severe this past time anyway.

Has anyone been through this and went on to have another baby? I really want to have another baby sometime in the future but all I can think is that I'll have these complications again and I might not get so lucky next time...I've even considered getting tied to keep it from happening again but I don't want to do something I might regret later.