And why isn't anyone protesting this. Tweet away.

{{The relevant sections of the bill are 1021 and 1022.

* Section 1021 asserts the President's authority to arrest suspected (not convicted) terrorists and gives him the option to choose whether or not they even get a trial, and if so, what kind of trial.

* Section 1022 requires that a certain class of terrorist get no trial. Instead they must be held in military prisons, for as long as this President, or any future President desires.


Section 1021 is very expansive in its reach. It "includ[es] any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces."

* Who is "any person?"
* What is a "belligerent act?"
* What is "direct support?" }}

That means yes and you at any time for anything they define as belligerent.

And do you really think that any of the Republican candidates would reverse it?
Truth Man - I don't see and conservatives in the streets, do you?