My husband was laid off at the end of December after being diagnosed with severe carpal tunnel in both hands, and injury he got from the job(he was a train mechanic). He was 4 days shy of being there for 90 days so he was still in the probationary period. The doctors who examined him for the company told him to file for workers comp. We decided that we would rather file for unemployment because it would give us more income and we don't need the medical coverage from workers comp. But now unemployment is trying to decide whether he should receive benefits due to why he was terminated from his job so we are thinking of filing for workers comp just so we can have some income(we have two kids to support). We are both spending a lot of time looking for employment in the meantime. My main question is this: if he does file for workers comp, can he still work a few hours a week for a different company? He is getting very sporadic work from the security company he used to work for we aren't sure what would happen if he did file and still got a few shifts. We live in Washington state. thank you for any help anyone can give us.
He did not quit his job. He was laid off because they thought he was a liability. Believe me, if they had let him keep working he would be.