I'm so sorry, I am new to these stuff but I'm having trouble about frames. But here is the result --> http://www.flickr.com/photos/xetness/6812145116/

the php form can't display. so you have any idea?

here is my code


<div id="fromMenuPhpFile">
<base target="content">

<br /><br /> <a href="add.php">ADD</a> <br />
<br /> <a href="view.php">VIEW</a><br />
<br /> <a href="edit.php">UPDATE</a><br />
<br /> <a href="del.php">DELETE</a><br /><br />
<br />



<frameset rows="50%,200%">
<frame src="heading.html" />

<frameset cols="15%,*">
<frame name="menu" src="nav.php">
<frame name="content" src="content.php">



i hope it made sense. Thank you.