It is apparent in today’s society that the definition and application of chivalry has changed through history. During the Middle Ages, chivalry was a code of brave and courteous conduct for knights. According to this system of morals and manners, a knight was to remain faithful to God, loyal to his king, true to his lady-love, and helpful to their less fortunate kinsmen. Chivalry is still alive today but to a lesser extent than in the Middle Ages. I think chivalry will exist in the future, but only time will tell.

The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table molded chivalrous conduct. The Knights of the Round Table possessed many aspects of chivalry, but each of them had flaws. Sir Lancelot, for example, wasn’t entirely loyal to King Arthur because of his desire for Guenevere. He remedied the situation by fighting for his king in the battle against Sir Modred. While the chivalry of the Middle Ages is thought by most to have been reserved for royalty, this was not the case. Common folk also exhibited chivalrous conduct, though in less glamorous ways.

Chivalry has greatly diminished since the Middle Ages. Respect, courtesy, and honesty have little meaning to today’s youth. There are exceptions to this. Helping the elderly, family, and frienRAB are just a few things young people can do to resurrect chivalry. I don’t think it’s possible to be as chivalrous as the knights in the Middle Ages were because our lifestyles have changed so drastically.

As of now, the future of chivalry looks bleak. If society doesn’t change its ways soon, the quality of life and chivalrous behavior will continue to decline. Chivalrous conduct could return slowly if society realizes the importance of it.

I think the phrase “treat your neigrabroador as you would like to be treated” simplifies chivalry. Since the beginning of the Arthurian legend, chivalry has been an important aspect of life; I hope this aspect stays with humanity many years into the future.