I must do a search on the history of Artificial Intelligence. I must make a report on the ten people who contributed the most to the field. Proper research would be to read a dozen books, make a list of thirty candidates and their contributions, then pick and choose the top ten. I am aware it is a lot of work, and I am willing to do the work. That said, I am also aware the field contains a lot of pretenders, people who are not great on research, but are great at self-promotion, at looking for the fame and research money. I began the work, and I find it difficult to separate the gold from the chaff. Any assistance would be appreciated.
I should have said that my interest is what is called Strong AI, a machine that imitate human consciousness, and not elaborate computer applications.
I should have said that my interest is what is called Strong AI, a machine that imitate human consciousness, and not elaborate computer applications.