" EVIL WINS WHEN GOOD MEN FAIL TO ACT." (Edmund Burke 1700's political philosopher)

I have a great idea and it is all ready through the pre development stage with a reputable company. Getting it produced and ready for licensing I need to put forth $10,000.00. Anyone able to help me keep our kids safe from strangers that want to hurt them, will also receive their $ back and I will agree to 10% of any/all royalties I receive. My motivation for this project is primarily personal and therapeutic, rather than for financial gain. My life is a struggle, I suffer with a Dis-associative/ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, stemming from the abuse I endured as a child; hence, this is my driving force. Nobody protected me then and I was just a kid. Now I am 38 years old and dying to go toe to toe with the people that ruined my life, but I live in Colorado where a statute of limitations prevents an adult victim from prosecuting. The victims of Jerry Sandusky are my inspiration as they were brave and gave me hope. Now is the time to take action. I am confident that my powerfully, poignant idea will do exactly that. Word of mouth is the most effective tool so any leads or other ideas would be unbelievably appreciated. Perhaps someone happens to want to invest in helping victims find their voice, thus giving them the strength to talk about abuse they are suffering.In addition,to help in preventing potential occurrences from happening in the first place, by putting shame back on the predators plate where it belongs. Compassionate people only please respond asap. Understand that I am aware how people are largely not what they claim to be. I assure you that my plight is legitimate.
I am in college @ ACC along with a 17 year old, harmless looking kid named Austin Sigg. He recently confessed, to violently taking the life of little Jessica Ridgeway. The instances are ever increasing, these kids need our help.

Heidi shavill
[email protected]