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  1. #1
    Muzick Lova's Avatar
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    Dec 2012

    Enlight of worlds AIDS day lets discuss HIV?

    I recently read a forum bashing Dr. Duesburg on his dissident beliefs about what causes AIDS but it seems to me that all he's suggesting is that of the thousands of retro viruses known to man to be harmeless that hiv is the only killer.

    The commentors also dared Duesburg to self inflict himself with the virus if he's so sure of himself but there have been doctors who have who remain hiv negative. Just seems to mean that for a disease of this magnitude the world could come up with a standard for testing this so called monster.

    A slew of studies suggest that it takes 100's of sexual acts with a hiv postive person to actually contract the disease among heterosexuals, not to mention M2M complications from the disease differ from Heterosexual complications from the disease. If this isnt enough HIV is the only virus that the actual package says does not test for HIV virus itself. M2M men are obsessed with sticking large penises up their butt and the drugs they use to dilate their rectum are toxic to the immune system themself. I personally believe that being labeled with HIV is enough to cause AIDS.

    It's also suspicious that AIDs coincided with the crack epidemic of the 80's. Back then it was predicted that the AIDS population would swell to 5% by 1990 but its never risen above 1%.

    All of this doesn't seem odd to anyone. Duesburg's basic claim is that HIV only infects those with compromised immune systems and ironically 85% of all AIDs cases are in sub-sahara Africa the most malnourished placed on earth. Even among black women the highest percentage group of HIV infected patients in America the rate is grossly skewed towards those making under $10, 000 a year, which is pretty hard to adequately take care of your health off this day and age.

    Perhaps im not a total dissident yet because I prefer to aire on the side of caution, but I do believe the public has been greatly duped about the facts. Like no ones telling hiv people they can move to Canada and be HIV negative or move to Africa and be diagnosed with full blown AIDS. Just seems weird.

    We have a whole herpes community that says its on the verge of curing herpes if it only had the funding, yet we have a disease that's been funded more than all other disease s combined thats never been isolated and cultured. I dont know, what are your thoughts. Hopefully there insightful and intelligent.
    Edit: 1st paragraph last sentence- it's ironic that of the hundreds of retro viruses known to be harmless to man that hiv is the only killer.

  2. #2
    vicecaptain's Avatar
    Senior Member

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    Feb 2012
    Thanks for the share.... Keep supporting more...



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