Hi, I'm a 17 y/o girl, studying maths and further maths at A-level. My teacher is a 27 y/o WOMAN, and she's taught me for about 4 years now, and knows me really well. I get along with her great, probably better than my parents, and she's always been really nice to me.

I've known she's a lesbian for about 2 years now, and I've never had a problem with it (she was really upset one day, and she said it was because she had come out to her family and they weren't being at all supportive, but they're much more accepting now)

Last week I dropped by her classroom as I'd missed a lesson and she'd given us an assignment to do, so I wanted to pick it up. She offered to run over what we'd done that day, and I said that would be great. It was after school, so I was sat on top of a table, and she stood at the whiteboard. She came to check my workings, and was leant in really close to me. She looked up at me and leaned in, and tried to kiss me. I wasn't expecting it at all, so I took a second to lean back, and when I saw her face again she was petrified. She apologised profusely, and I had a hard time getting her to stop saying sorry.

Now I know she won't do it again, and I don't want to report her, as I don't want her to lose her job, but I do want to talk to her about it, and get things back to normal. Any ideas on how to do this? Thank you!