Okay.. so you should know two things about me before answering this question:
1) I am very indecisive and need to be completely certain in order to do something
2) I worry ... about EVERYTHING.

I am passionate about acting and pursuing a career in it, but what if it doesn't work out? What if I decide that actually, despite my passion, a career in it actually isn't best for me and it is better off as just a hobby? What then? If I go to drama school then I have nothing to fall back on, but if I go to university I won't be considered as highly in the acting world... and as you can see I just go round in circles...
I have had dreams of becoming an actress since I was about 5 and I have attended stagecoach for 5 years, regularly been in school productions, take LAMDA exams in verse and prose (currently working on silver medal) and am working on an audition for the National Youth theatre.

There is no doubt to where my passion lies but is it best to go to Drama school, or take a English and theatre course at University as a safety net?

Thank you for any help