Our thesis is that social networking not only strengthens relationships between individual people, but also between whole communities.Okay, so i need to do a 5 minute speech for the conclusion of a debate. so basically, i was talking about all the important points in my team's argument which is like ... easy to maintain relationships with abroad....you can actually think before you say something to your friend...and people with common interests can get together through internet. But that's only like 2 minutes. PLEASE HELP ME!!!! what more should i say?
hi again. heyy, i got a really good answer but the thing is i already have my points down. my team has already chosen our two arguments. and i've stated those in my conclusion. I also heard that you CANNOT put new info into the conclusion, so sadly i can't use some of the good examples that i got. But what i DO need help on is what else to put in conclusion. Like should I put something like a hook or what other than my arguments? If so, could you give me some examples?