...WTC? If we're alredy in MidEast? If we're already in MidEast then why did he need 9/11, it is said that he did it so that they could go more into the MidEast and fight a war they'll never win. Ok so he thinks that we'll start another violent war (Afghanistan) and when the Taliban are winning America will say "ok we may as well leave the entire MidEast"? Did it not occur to bin Laden that attacking American embassies and bases and troops in Saudi Arabia and everywhere else in MidEast make them more likely to leave? What kind of idiot fanatic is he? The problem is...I have studied him for a long time but I don't get why he did 9/11...nevertheless I believe he is an enemy we have to understand because he believes very much he's doing God's will. A Michael Sheheur said, "He's a great man from the perspective of his followers". I don't believe bin Laden is crazy, not even evil - but why did he do 9/11? What does he mean by "the battle has moved inside America now"?