I took off in the car this morning and, luck for me only 2 min drive away, when I exited the car I noticed that I was leaving a trail of something. I put my finger in it and yep, oil. I looked under the car and it was leaking a LOT of oil - enough to leave a puddle about 2ft in diameter.

I went to work with a co-worker and upon returning to the car this afternoon took a look underneith. Oil filter looked clean (relatively speaking), nothing from the valve cover but it did appear that oil was being 'flung' everywhere, obviously oil was on the belts and quite a it on the bottom of the alternator. I checked the dip-stick and it was barely registering, I do keep an eye on it so I consider it going from full to barely anything in a two minute drive. Also, the trail it left was enough to leave a SOLID trail from my house to the daycare where I was driving to in the morning. Anyhow, I fill up the oil and pray - then make a quick run for the house. When I get into the carport I turn off the car asap and get out to look. Seriously, there was a 'sheet' of oil pouring off the oil pan lip directly under the main crank pulley.

Now, to me this seems obviously a main crank seal but some people I spoke too think it would 'drip' at best - not flood out of that seal as the oil pan / crank area isn't under pressure (I'm not sure, that's what I've been told).

I have degreased the engine and am letting it dry then I'll fill it with oil again, have the wife start it and hopefully I can gain a clear picture of where it's leaking from.

Now for my question! Will a main seal failure on a Honda (or any car for that matter) lose two quarts (or more) in two minutes? Could there be something else in that area which would cause it to literally drain the oil so rapidly?
