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  1. #1
    Case's Avatar

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    Would you rather your tax dollars go to universal health care or the military?

    and btw canadians pay less taxes. than americans

    why dont people ever complain about the waste of money the US military spending is? perhaps they could also restructure the educational system as well.
    and funding unethical imperialist wars?

    Personally i would rather the money go to things that are human rights not to build an empire. What about you?

    i think we should spend a very small amount of money on defense (and invading oil rich countries does not count as "defense")

    for example switzerland spends significantly less on defense than the US. The US spends the most on military, but the US does not give its citizens universal health care. And they say they cant afford universal health care. perhaps if they didnt spend so much on military, they could afford it?

  2. #2
    ND Fan's Avatar

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    Canadians do NOT pay less in taxes than do Americans. As far as where our tax dollars should go, the Constitution lists national defense as a federal power...it is mute about socialized medicine.

  3. #3
    Yogi's Avatar

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    Canada doesn't have to spend much on Military because Canada knows the US is right there and they have a military that they pay for which will protect Canada ... our parasites to the North so to speak : ).

    People who live under the protection of an expensive military don't see the need for it because they are kept sheltered and stupid. Take it away and it's one hell of an education the hard way for soft stupid idiots who have no idea what horrors the world holds for those who can't protect themselves.

    The Romans found out, we all will probably find out the same way in time.

    The cruel world causes those who survive to become highly skilled and adept in protecting themselves and feeding their people ... that success and level of protection and prosperity breeds an atrophication process in those sheltered by it that creates a product of people who become stupid and weak like a caged rabbit ... unfit to survive in the real world who then set to tearing down what protects them and exposing themselves to utter ruination.

    Ironic, isn't it?

  4. #4
    Change Sucks #2's Avatar
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    How much MORE money do schools need???!!! How about less money going to the teachers UNIONS???!!! There's a novel f'ing thought, eh?
    And cut military spending? Why, so we can become defenseless? We pay our taxes, to a large degree, FOR a strong military. If anything, money should be TRULY cut from education and more on military. Better armor, more ammo, etc.

  5. #5
    Curt J's Avatar

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    I'm still looking for the part of the Constitution that says the US is supposed to provide health care. I CAN find the part about providing for the common defense, but nothing about the other.

    Additionally:Have you even seen any of the postings from Canadians who emigrated to the US because they got tired of waiting 2-3 years for medical care under Canada's 'great' universal system, or are you just another Demolemming, blindly following your leaders down the path of ruin?

    Also: Just remember, if we didn't have a strong military, we wouldn't have a United States of America and then you wouldn't be making your pathetic argument.

  6. #6
    Your question is would I rather work for and donate my earnings to either (a) foreigners and the rich, or (b) US working class. My answer is (b), domestic healthcare.

    US military rests in 70% of the countries of the world, and provides protection for all those countries. US military is also used to invade or threaten various countries, so that rich class US investors can have free reign in oppressing impoverished foreign workers.

    Have a nice day!

  7. #7
    KrisK's Avatar
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    Well I live in Canada and I'm just wondering where you got the info about Canadians paying less tax than Americans. I can tell you from where I sit it doesn't look that way to me.

    For instance a pack of cigarettes up here runs about $10 cad ($9 us) and it keeps going higher. A liter of gas is about 95 cents which works out to about $3.50/gallon us. I know most of that is taxes. We have to pay higher taxes in order to give health care to everybody. It doesn't come free.

    My wife needed an MRI recently for a shoulder injury and it took her 6 weeks to get it. I mean it was nice that we didn't have to pay for it, but what if that injury was really serious (BTW she was off work while she waited - lost income).

    Our miliatry is nothing compared to the american militay - but that's WHY our military is so puny. We have the americans to protect us. Just be careful what you wish for.

    Also, I love america - don't screw it up!

    I'm sorry, I just had to repost to jacob w - where do you think america gets a huge amount of the oil it uses to make the gas you put in your car to go to mc donalds to stuff your ignorant face? Yea, the parasites to your north ship it down to you.

    Thank you, I feel better now.

  8. #8
    Canada is basically a parasite on America when it comes to issues of medical care and defense. Canada has the longest coastline in the world but one of the smallest navies. Let's face facts. Canada relies on its neighbor to the South for most of its national defense. Imagine what its military budget would look like if America goes away and is replaced by a hostile regime.

    Canada also leeches off our pharmaceutical companies. They benefit from low prices that we, the American consumers have to pay for. If we mandate low prices as does Canada, all pharmaceutical research and development will cease.

    Switzerland is tiny and neutral. It also has a fully trained and armed citizenry. The entire population of Switzerland is part of the military. Everyone has military arms in their possession and receives regular military training.

    A recent poll shows that despite the rhetoric to the contrary, Americans are very happy with the current system. 84% of Americans have health insurance coverage. Of those 80% are very pleased with that coverage.

    Another myth is that the Bush Administration had 8 years and did nothing about health care, but that is also not true. There were many attempts to modify the current system to make it better such as allowing interstate competition for insurance. Making insurance portable instead of part of employment. And even an initiative to allow the self employed to deduct the cost of their health insurance the way other people do. All these were shot down and prevented from even coming to a vote by the Democrats in Congress.

    Finally, our Country has a constitution that is the supreme law of the land. that Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from doing anything not specifically mandated by the Constitution as the responsibility of the Federal Government. So, things like health care should be controlled by the individual State Governments not the Federal Government. And the one thing that the Constitution specifically mandates the Federal Government fund is the Military.

    Hope this helps you understand things a bit better.


  9. #9
    Nail's Avatar
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    Let's see: in one case, the tax money saves lives, in the other case it destroys lives.... I think only an idiot or a sadist would choose the military

  10. #10
    Silas G's Avatar
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    My answer ignoring your additional details: The organization that restructures itself to the point where it only needs my money one time for one goal, and won't be asking me for more money annually, is the first that gets my money. That goes for any slice of the government pie.

    My answer paying attention to your additional details: Education. That way you can learn why Rome and countless civilizations since collapsed when they tried to use policies that worked for small states to govern multiple states. The US, even the lower 48, is bigger than Switzerland and has fewer friendly bordering nations.



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