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  1. #1
    sweetlilangel_6's Avatar

    Discuss the events in europe that percipitated the great war What was the trigger?

    Discuss the events in europe that percipitated the great war What was the trigger?

  2. #2
    yyyyyy's Avatar
    assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, I believe that was in Sarejevo

  3. #3
    Rodger Belco29
    Rodger Belco29's Avatar
    This is a bit of an easy one - I assume you have an essay on it? A quick basic answer:
    As was said in 1st answer it was the assianation of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, the Crown Prince to the Austrian Throne. He was killed by a gunshot in the capital of Austrian controlled Bosnia Herzegovina, Sarajevo, but a Serbian nationalist. It has been urgued that Serbia was in fact behind it.
    The reason for the killing on the Crown Prince lay in his plans for the future Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Slav/Balkan provinces it held in the south. He was planning of reforming the Dual Monarchy of Austria & Hungary into a Triad - with the southern Slav provinces of Hungary (including Croatia) to join with Bosnia Herzegovina to make the third "power". But this idea caused a lot of trouble in Bosnia & the region. the wealthier elite of Bosnia were happy with the plans, but there was a large ultranationalist section of Bosnia that was strongly against this plan - they had wanted part or all of Bosnia to be incorparated into the Kingdom of Serbia (1878-1918). Hence why he was killed and the potential invlovement of Serbia.

    The reason it lead to the World War was due both to the unstable political situation in Europe at the time, and the number of treaties/arrangements the nations had with each other.
    Firstly Russia was Serbia' strongest ally and Russia did not want Serbia to became an Austrian satelite for a number of reasons, especially bringing Austria closer terrotorially to Russia. Nearby Romania was already an Austria ally. Russia was allied to France; Austria was allied to Germany and Italy. Britain had an arrangement with France but no firm Treaty.
    All the stateman/diplomats of Europe knewn this event could very easily slide into war and they were correct. There were a number of unresolved issues & new issues that had come with colonism + industrialisation, that almost made it to hard not to go to war in order to satisfy these other desires. France still wanted revenge over Germany for their defeat in 1870; amonsgt one of many reasons.
    The "reasons" behind the War had been building up for 20 years+ and the events in Sarajevo was basically just an excuse to go to war.

  4. #4
    bigtalltom's Avatar
    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was the trigger.



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