I am a Psychology undergrad student debating on going to grad school, med school, or neither. I am in my junior year. My parents want me to go to medical school. I do not care much for science beyond biology. My teachers are urging me to consider graduate school, but I tossed he idea away a year ago because it envolves intensive reasearch. Which is another thing that I have no interest in. I chose psychology because it was something that could lead me to a good job and I'm interested in how humans work and why we function in certain ways mentally. I love to travel and want to learn about other cultures and languages. But my parents believe this is illogical, as there is no stable lifestyle in it. I'd like to hear other opponions from other psychology, med, or grad students. Should I "grow up" and go on to obtain a higher education like m parents desire. Or just get my BA and find some job that allows me to travel?