i made an offer (they accepted) put $1000 earnest money down on a condo.
foud later i couldn't pay the $4000 in fees, not including closing.
so the deal was off, but they never gave me my money back.
they had their lawyer tell me some crap about not trying hard enough to get a loan.
but now my Realtor said the lawyer is sending a letter to me proposing that we split it 500/500. my Realtor said, and i quote:
""Its better than it sitting there and nobody getting anything""
so does that mean they cant legally keep it cuz it's my money?
i believe it's in the contract that if i could not acquire funds then the deal is off and my money is returned... so are they trying to scam me out of $500?
Any lawyers wanna help with free advice?
this is Illinois if that helps.