So i downloaded it, unzipped it, and when i click the "run LFD2" it starts no problems, then after the valve screen it goes to the intro of lfd2. then when you press enter to load the actuall interface it comes up with an error. any ideas? im thinking it has to do with steam. or something. do i need to go change anything for my steam account because it says that in the notepad doc. that came with torrent but ionno what its saying. here is the doc.


# Language - rev emu will automagically load the correct language files.
# This can be English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, sChinese,
# Korean, Koreana, tChinese, Japanese, Russian, Thai, or Portugeuse
# revEmu will try to set the Language key in the following order:
#Use the Language key in the this rev.ini if it is present
#Use the Steam Language key in the registry if it is present
#Default the Language to English
Language = English

# Change SteamClient to True if you want to use the steamclient emulator.
# This setting is recommended to be true for both clients \ game servers
# and for all games, except games which use SteamClient006 interface
# (e.g. CS: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch)
# To see if the game is using this old interface, enable SteamClient,
# enable Logging and you will notice a log line "Using SteamClientXXX".
# If 007, leave the option ON, otherwise, it is recommended not to use it.
# Default = False
SteamClient = True

# Change SteamUser to the steam username that you wish to use with revEmu
# Defaults to revCrew if not specified
SteamUser = Player


################################### NOTE ####################################
# These settings may apply even if you don't choose to use steamclient.dll! #
################################################## ###########################
# Change the setting below to set your PlayerName (used in src2007 engine)
# Default = REVOLUTiON
PlayerName = Player