Hi i'm a 6th grader and I think I should be in Pre-Algebra.
We have 3 grades for 6th graders for Math: Math 6, Math 6 intensified (Math 7), and Math 7 intensified (Math 8, pre-algebra)
After the first week of school you take a test to see your placement.
Apparently, they, at the beginning of the year, placed me in Math 6 when I was actually supposed to be in math 7!
so i moved to math 7, but it was too late and i missed the placement test for Math 8.
My class is easy i'm just re-learning things.
I know simplifying fractions, the operations, powers/exponents, ordering operations and a bunch of other things.
I can also find the GCF of 10y(small 3)z(small 6) and 6y(small 2)! well, to u, that might be easy, but I bet at least 4/5 of the 6th graders don't know!
what should i do?
I was at a dentist appointment when i was in math 6 and we took the math7 placement test, and so i never took it, and so i had to ask the math 8 teacher (by e-mail) if i could go to math 7, and she thought i should, and i don't want to be pushy and ask to go to math 8.
The math 6/7 teacher doesn't like me.
And once, she asked me "sweetie, what times 5 equals 40?" and of course the answer is 8, but i got really nervous so i just blanked and zoned out, staring up at her. I couldn't talk, my throat closed up, it was really embarrassing.
She walked away with a disappointed sigh; she must have thought i waz dumb or something.
She would never let me to go to Math 8!
especially since i came from math 6!
but this is my EAZIEST subject!!!
what do i do?

thx a bunch!


PS: ok, this is really random,
but are there such things as young designers competition?
I drew different faces of this really pretty shoe i made and i think i could win.
well, i didn't make it, i drew it.
Plus if u could find any writing competitions, i would be very intrigued!


PPS: points:

WHAT SHOULD I DO question answered: 7 points
DESIGNER COMPETITION question answered: 2 points
WRITING COMPETITION question answered: 3 points

thx . . .again
PPPS: Math 6 teacher is math 7 teacher only math 8 teacher is different.


PPPPS(WOW): My sister is in 8th grade: in algebra (math 9), physics (science 11), geography (History or American Studies or Social Studies 10), and English nine (English 9). HOW DOES SHE DO THIS?!! for 6th graders the only thing i think we can change is math! I, on my 5th grade SOLs, got 600/600 points on Math, 600/600 points in . . .whatever it was, and something else in science (my excuse: my 4th grade teacher--i was the one who started her obsession in technology, so all we did was techie stuff and she didn't teach us much science, but it waz fun)