So I accepted a job offer at a hospital, and they need all my vaccines and if I don't have it, they are just going to make sure I'm still immune to them. I haven't had a vaccine in years, I'm 25...and I really haven't had any health problems after my last doctor visit, which was maybe a few years ago? I haven't had any blood test done in years though...and the nurse said that they are testing for basically hepatitis B and tetanus. I know I had a tetanus shot awhile ago, but I'm not sure about the hepatitis B...They said if I test negative, I will be able to get the shot there basically for free, which is completely fine for me. Now I have a dumb question, how can you be sure if you are positive for hepatitis B? I haven't had sex in almost 2 yrs, and haven't experienced any problems since, at least I don't think, I've always had problems with my stomach, so I don't think that is an issue, but the stomach problem has subsided for a little bit. I know sometimes the symtpoms probably could come up later in years...but I'm harldy in contact with anyone, and haven't had multiple sex partners. Is this anything I should really worry about? They're going to be drawing blood and testing me for hepatitis b and tetanus..most likely I'm assuming.

Heres also a hint. I hardly ever get sick as well..mostly just a cold once in awhile!