activities. How to look good? PLS HELP? So I'm going to go to camp, and I know that there will be lots of pictures being taken and stuff, so I want to look good. We are hiking up a mountain, and waking up at midnight to reach the summit by sunrise, and then hiking back down and then staying at a resort/island place for a few days. I was wondering what I could wear and how I should do my hair to look good. I don't use make up.

Beach: Shorts, tshirts/tank tops, beach dress, flip flops? Messy bun?
Hiking: ??? I know that the clothes have to have limited styles for hiking, but are there some that look better? Do I have to wear hiking pants? What about the top? Ponytail?(I really hate ponytails cos I look bad in them, and I can't braid)

Pretty, simple hairstyles and tutorials pls (no starighteners, curlers, mousse, spray, hairdryers...and my hair is poofy and hard to manage) ? Help on clothes?


BTW, my crush will be there.