Hello, I am here to ask you for creative criticism about a possible business name for my landscaping company. I am a student, and run a small business (during the beginning and end of the school year) named "[name of city] Student Movers". I live in a city with 2 universities and 1 college (approx 50-60k students live here during the school year) and I have found that a lot of the none student business I generate has been due to the name of the business as I have found people enjoy helping Students as opposed to larger more established companies. In the spring/summer/fall I also run a Landscaping company (most of our business is Lawn Aeration and Fertilizing). I used to run this business with a partner, but this past winter him and I split ways, and I am looking to rename the company. Since I've had such great success generating business with '[name of city] Student Movers' I am trying to incorporate 'Student' somewhere in the name of the business. I know long term it may backfire, because eventually I will not be a student.. but if I choose to continue with this well into the future, I could always concentrate on hiring students exclusively.

Now the names I have come up with are:

Student Lawncare
Student Aeration and Lawncare
Student Landscapers
Student Landscaping (I dont know if im comfortable with the 'landscaping' because we only really offer lawncare)
[my city] Student Lawncare (Im trying to stay away from this also in case of expansion into other areas)

can anybody think of any others or give feedback on which one they think is the best, and which ones may sounds stupid? Any intelligent feedback is appreciated!

Thanks in advance!