any better? I really cant be asked with Life anymore as i dont believe it will get any better?
No Friends/social life , and cant make anymore , i always get it thrown in my face
Hate college , no friends there , to much work and i do not want to be there as my ambitions lie elsewhere.
Family couldnt really care less about me accept for my parents .
No Girlfriend , never really had one and i feel i will never get one because people dont seem to make the effort and im sick of trying .
My family are in debt and we will be kicked out of out house within 5 months .
But i am not a quitter i will keep going day to day with my boring life

I have tried to become a model but hasnt worked out as i am to classicly good looking(there words) and im going to keep trying but everything I seem to do no matter what i fail most of the time .

The only thing I feel if the modeling dont work out is to become a fighter as it will help me channel all my anger from life and my hate for people into fighting , so i can get a little of respect .

Any ideas people, what would you do ??