this morning i woke up to the little poodle running around my room. hes pretty much housebroken but i still dont trust him and make him stay in his little basket when he's inside the house. anyway, someone apparently had him inside this morning and let him out of their sight.. i just realized he had a little fun on my dancebag while i was asleep D=

I threw the canvas ballet shoes in the washer and i think they're gunna be okay, but my jazz shoes (tan slip ons), tap shoes (black jazz-taps), black teaching sandals and little lyrical footie things were all affected as well and i dont think any of them will be okay in the wash. they're all leather i believe and though they're not COMPLETEY drenched, they are damp in some areas and they all smell of dog pee so i know i need to clean them somehow. any ideas? i have classes in less than 48 hours and need all of these shoes >.<;; i was thinking maybe i can soak them in warm water with detergent or something? i dont think scrubbing will do because it has soaked through to the inside on some of the shoes. thanks for all who help.