Need a little help with Yugi-oh. For those who think the card game is stupid or immature, kindly do not post anything. You probably have some better things to do than post a profane remark about it. As for the serious players, here is my deck list (which probably contains a few too many cards):

Monsters: 21
3 Flying Kamakiri #1 (For special summoning purposes, especially for Harpy Lady 1)
2 Battlestorm (Awesome card, great for powering up and destroying spells and traps)
3 Harpy Lady 1 (Easily special summoned; boosts ATK; can pop spells & traps w/ Hunting Ground)
3 Harpie Queen (Beatstick, getter of Hunting Ground, & can pop spells and traps with HG)
2 Sonic Shooter (Can attack directly, easily powers up with HG or HLady 1 on the field)
1 Spirit Reaper (Nice stall card plus I can get rid of cards in the hand occassionally)
1 Snipe Hunter (Nice for targeting more spells and traps, plus the occassional monster, but low ATK)
1 Simorgh Bird of Ancestry (For easier summoning of Wind monsters level 6 and up)
1 Winged Rhynos (Beatstick, great 4 torrential tribute & testing to see what traps the opponent has)
2 Raiza, the Storm Monarch (Beatstick, returning traps and spells and monsters to top deck)
1 Guardian Eatos (Easily special summoned sometimes; beatstick)
1 Strong Wind Dragon (Beatstick, piercer)
1 Swift Birdman Joe??? (Like a Giant Trunade, only it can attack :P )

Spells: 10
3 Harpy's Hunting Ground (ATK booster plus spell and trap destroyer/popper when comboed)
1 Giant Trunade (Easy way to get rid of set cards for a turn)
1 Mystical Space Typhoon (Obvious reasons)
1 Brain Control (For occassional sacrificing and beatdown)
1 Hammershot (Crucial; many monsters are low ATK at first)
1 Heavy Storm (Again, obvious reasons)
1 Lightning Vortex (Must I say more? Plus a great way to get Harpies in graveyard)
1 Pot of Avarice ??? (Not sure if i should use coz it's sometimes hard to keep monsters in the graveyard for me, but it's great for recycling)

Traps: 14 (Obviously way too many when you total spells and traps)
2 Hysteric Party (Great 4 bringing Harpies back, though effect can only be used 1x per card, I think)
1 Call of the Haunted (Easy, cost-free way to bring a Harpy back or any other monster)
1 Magic Cylinder (For monster protection)
3 Sakuretsu Armor (Again, for monster protection)
1 Icarus Attack (If a monster is going to be destroyed anyways, might as well take something with it)
2 Dust Tornado (Follows the whole "pop spells and traps" thing, plus really helps sometimes)
1 Spell shield Type-8 (Awesome counter to spells, & can save monsters from spells for free)
1 Bottomless Trap Hole (For those pesky high ATK and special summoned Monsters)
1 Trap Hole (For the occassional annoyance with less than 1500 ATK and more)

Total: 46 cards

This is all "theoretically sound" save for a few glitches. The deck revolves around destroying spells and traps and it's relatively easier to special summon specific cards or to summon tributes. Also recycling the Harpies is made easier by Hysteric Party and Call of the Haunted. I unexpectedly also found that the deck powers up really quickly when the field is swarmed.

I still have to get most of my tribute monsters though so my beta deck is still lacking, but I've already found some bugs. Paying costs can be a pain for Snipe Hunter and Lightning Vortex and Spell Shield and Hysteric Party, especially since I just found out that you can use Hysteric Party's effect once per copy of the card (I think). Makes getting my monsters back that much harder. Still, their effects can be worth it. Another bad thing about the deck is when I have too many Harpies in the graveyard and I use Hysteric Party and Hunting Ground is on the field. I have to destroy my own traps and spells sometimes.

Pot of Avarice is also hard sometimes for me to use since I get to special summon monsters from the graveyard more often than most people, but it pays off sometimes so I'm not sure about that. Birdman Joe...I'm iffy on that too. And I probably have too many spells and traps so I need help there too. And I need a way to special summon or get monsters in my hand more quickly, specifically those with high ATK like Battlestorm, Harpy Queen, and Winged Rhynos.