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  1. #1
    sam's Avatar

    Why is the mainstream media suppressing the story of Randi Rhodes' vicious rant...

    ...against Senator Clinton? The only major news organzation that is covering this story is Fox News. Everyone else is sitting on their hands. The only place you may find the story is on the deep back pages, buried in the blogs. My God, where is the moral outrage? Where is the sense of fairness and propriety? If anyone with a status similar to Rhodes had said something that vile and offensive about Obama, all the mainstream media would have the story on page one. But it looks like it's okay to remain silent if the attacks are directed against Senator Clinton or other strong, independent women such as Geraldine Farraro. This is shameful if it is not picked up by the mainstream press. A media coverup to end all media coverups.
    Here is a video of Rhodes' vile and explicit-laced rant.

    Sorry, I think you're wrong. If this sort of vile attack had been targeted against Barack Obama, it would be major frontpage news. With this silence the evidence of media bias against Senator Clinton is irrefutable.
    Frank, this goes beyond disagreeing with a candidate over positions. It is a vicious ad hominem attack, using the f-word, and calling both Clinton and Ferraro very derogatory names. It is atrocious, filthy, and hateful behavior, and so far the mainstream media are looking the other way.
    Yeah but Imus made the front page news, and what he said was FAR milder than what Rhodes said about Clinton and Farraro. Obvious media bias at play here don't you think?

  2. #2
    frank's Avatar
    suppressing the story?

    Probably because it isn't much of a story to begin with.

    Pundits rant against Hillary Clinton every day. I don't understand where your outrage is coming from, other than you're a misguided Hillary supporter.

    Why would the media "report" on what someone in the media said about Clinton? That's sensationalist journalism (which explains why Fox News is covering it), not real news.

  3. #3
    Why Don't People Like Me?
    Why Don't People Like Me?'s Avatar
    Probably because nobody gives a crap what Randi Rhodes says.

  4. #4
    The White Rose
    The White Rose's Avatar
    Did you actually call Fox a "new organization". I just about spit my coffee all over my computer screen.

    How amusing? Do you do children's parties?

    Actually the story is all over the place. The "conspiracy" must have forgotten to block my keyboard?

    Here's Rhodes stand-up routine.


    I thought it was pretty funny.

    She was suspended by her network for this, which only goes to show how lame American media is.

    Ann Coulter never gets suspended for saying the Jews in America need to be "perfected" or any of her vile racist comments or for laughing at wounded veterans.

    This whole thing is BS.

    You'll never find conservatives mocking their own, NEVER.

  5. #5
    Lynne B
    Lynne B's Avatar
    I don't even know who Randi Rhodes is so I don't care what she/he says. Hillary is a tough women she can take it.

  6. #6
    sneakysnake's Avatar
    OMG! You mean FOX is NOT the right wing news agency they keep telling us about. You are trying to tell me that FOX is actually "Fair and balanced"!!! I guess the Liberal media must be for Obama.

  7. #7
    SithLord's Avatar
    The media is biased. Period. Clinton has lived by the bias of the media, so she must die by the bias of the media. It is in the Bible.



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