this short story is supposed to be on gender roles (its 2010, i no, but its 4 skool) (8th grade english)
plzz give me some feedback! thanks soo much! ill pick a best answer!!

I have never been sure if I actually want to get married, but I guess now that he is down one knee, its time for me to decide. Do I want to spend the rest of my life driving around little kids, and eventually teenagers? Shouldn’t my life consist of more then cleaning my house, and making dinner? I don’t know if I want to do laundry for an entire family. Maybe I should just stay safe, and be single forever. On the other hand, I would look gorgeous in a wedding dress, and I would like to not be old and alone. Before I realized what I was saying, “yes” popped out of my mouth. Its hard to believe that one hour ago, I was getting dressed for what I thought was going to be just another date, and being engaged hadn’t even crosses my mind.
Two kids later, I found that getting married was the right decision. I work hard as a therapist (best in the nation), and it pays off because I have hired people to cook, and clean, for the family, and to drive around my kids for me. This way, I have plenty of time to work, and still spend time with my kids. I can exercise in the morning after they leave for school, and go to work while they are learning. By the time they get home, I can help them with homework, and talk to them about their day. At the end of the day, we have dinner together, a dinner that I did not have to cook, because I hired someone to do that for me. I am so glad I am a woman, and can have a family, but not have to do any household chores. The strangest part is, my life would be so different if women were the ones who propose