I am an experienced programmer but mainly in legacy technologies (yeah...I love Assembler).

So I have created an entry level web site using Web Easy and have created a simple database using MS Access. But it seems inflexible and I distrust Access's ability to get too big (not sure if that is justified or not).

I want to create something that is state of the art (this is just for fun right now but in the future it may get commercial) and has a very flexible database attached that will allow large amounts of data to be stored (I want online customer create/update and read access).

I have researched this on my own but am concerned I will get half way through and then find my design lacks something critical and I have to start again from scratch.

So I was hoping to find a book (with a full project on disk or web) that could give me a head start with all the calls setup and all the technologies already working. That way I could be sure I have a workable concept before I get started.....and I could always refer back to that when I get stuck.

Obviously I am showing my age...so any verbal abuse from young hotshots is humble accepted ....so long as you give me some good advice too !