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  1. #1
    buddy4719's Avatar

    How does a political caricature artist make a cartoon about Obama without being called a racist?

    A political cartoon is usually a caricature that physically makes fun of the subject person. Since our president is obviously black looking, how does a political cartoonist do a satirical cartoon making fun of his prominent features w/o being called a racist? Is this a touchy subject?

  2. #2
    justin h4380
    justin h4380's Avatar

    How does a political caricature artist make a cartoon about Obama without being called a racist?

    you can't say or do anything referring to obama in a negative light without being called a racist.

    disagree with his fiscal policies? you are a racist.
    disagree with his national policies? you are a racist.
    think he has big ears? you are a racist.

    welcome to the Obama-nation.

    as for voting against him...
    I did...as did most of my state...enough of us voted against him to keep this state electors from voting for him.

    however, we were outvoted by the dumb-masses who believed in 'hope and change'.

    the stock market's at a six year low, unemployment's at a 10 year high....Obama threatens that delaying his stimulus package will cause irrepairable damage to the economy....

    that 'hope and change' is starting to look a lot like fear-mongering and dispair.

  3. #3
    katy louise's Avatar
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    How does a political caricature artist make a cartoon about Obama without being called a racist?

    you should have voted against him then

  4. #4
    Vince M3178
    Vince M3178's Avatar

    How does a political caricature artist make a cartoon about Obama without being called a racist?

    Would a BLACK cartoonist, making an image of a WHITE politician have to be labeled a racist, simply because his subject was depicted with a "narrow" nose, thin lips and blond hair?

    The term, "discrimination" is not necessarily a bad word. It means being able to tell the difference. The fact that YOU could recognize the President as black person does not make you a racist. Why should it be any different for a cartoonist? His job is to make his subject recognizable.

    Clinton's hair. Carter's teeth, Regan's jowls, Johnson's nose.

    In fact, it is long overdue for folks to STOP being embarrased and reluctant to make fun of people of color for the SAME reasons cartoonists poke fun at WHITE celebrities.

    Remember, Obama WANTED to be in that office. That means he will have been prepared to take that kind of heat. It's part of the job.



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