I had a cervical x-ray (neck) and have been signed off sick due to a car accident, I saw doc a week after xray and he said oh it takes bout 2 weeks to come through, signed me off for another 2 weeks and said when i make next appt will get results then. He put loads of notes on comp as i asked bout returning to work on light duties so that any doctor could see what had been happening as he was going to be away when results came through. They have tried to ring but they hadn't got my correct number so wrote to me asking me to make an appointment to discuss results. Should I be worried?
Its a neck x-ray nothing to do with the cervix. I have an appointment tomorrow btu have never been contacted by my gp unless there is a problem - as i said they tried to ring and then sent a letter but original gp had said just get results when I made appointment to discuss whether i can return to work!