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  1. #1
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    What makes you say that Haystack? Where did I say client has to fix it?

    I just said client has to pay what he should have paid...

  2. #2
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    Of course, 3 to 6 weeks after the day that they realise the mistake

    Not really...all calls are recorded and might be listen to for quality control. If they listen to that call they will do the necessary steps to correct the mistake, and the agent will get a coaching or not doing it

  3. #3

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    I believe it will be one day this week. So I guess any changes won't show up until October anyway.

  4. #4
    haystack's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    If you wanted to reward expressvu for there mistake you would pay the amount the say you owe and as a penalty for your generosity you lose your $60 for 6 months free rec. Sweet.

  5. #5
    coryl28's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors


    I remember having a similar argument with you several months ago about how you defend BEV to the death. It went on for quite some time! When will you get that people don't care about how an agent can't follow-up on a customer's call or how many clients you satisfy. All you show by saying things like that is "it's not my fault and this is why". It just shows everyone else how internally screwed up BEV really is and reinforces our points even more.

    Customers only care about fair service and that's all. In many, many cases BEV does not give good or fair service.

    I dread every call that I place to BEV only because it will result in some type of error down the road. The last call I placed was to change some programming and I had to have the agent read it back to me 3 times before he got it right. It could not have been an easier request! For me, that's typical BEV service and I have yet to be impressed after being a customer for 3 years.

    On a side note, for the sake of the customers, I can only hope that you don't do any written correspondence with customers. Your spelling is dreadful....hence the reason I quoted you in my reply.

  6. #6

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    I am cencelling my HD next week. When I called weeks ago I was told I was paying the rental cost of a SD receiver instead of a HD. In order to cancel the HD feed they said I would have to pay a years worth of the rental difference $7 per month. I had originally agreed but now I am not so sure. Should this be my responsiblity? I paid what was asked on time every month for my 1 year obligation. What should I do?

  7. #7

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    To be honest I am not terribly displeased with this billing error and correction. I also do like Expressvu for the most part. Compared to local Rogers cable here it can't be beat. Never tried *Choice so I can't really compare to that. I do find the pricing getting a bit to high, however I can't really be bothered cancelling and changing providers. With all the additional start up costs its not worth the hassle. I think customer service could be improved however because whenever I do call in(which is rarely) I always find I have to call back a 2nd time because things weren't done right the first time. The reason I started this thread was not to bash Expressvu but just to find out if others have been through anything similar and how they approached it. I appreciate all the input throughout.

  8. #8

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    Well here I am still waiting for the return box to arrive. I have not been charged any fees...yet the receiver sits in my basement gathering dust. The laughable thing is I am not being charged rental, it still shows as being on my account and it is deactivated....gotta love good old Espressvu. I must have the record for sure.

  9. #9
    Ex Agent EV
    Ex Agent EV's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    Pay the bill... Express Vu provided the service, I don't see why we woudn't charge yo the full cost of the rental

  10. #10
    i hate tv
    i hate tv's Avatar

    How to deal with BEV billing errors

    I hear you
    I hope some of the "bashing" causes Bell to take a look at their problems, and try and fix them
    I do bash too, but I still am with Bell, because I prefer it to Rogers
    Bell ain't perfect, just like me, but I still feel the need to rant sometimes about their imperfections
    Sometimes I feel like my options are the Devil (Rogers) or the Devils Sister (BEV) , or their ugly midget step-sister (* Choice) although, what the step-sister lacks in looks, she makes up in personality
    The great thing about this internet thingy, is people can post their horror/success stories, and others can read about them, and know what to expect, or what they could possibly expect
    All said and done, if I dont like it, I wont stay, and right now, there is more good than bad with Bell, but still far from perfect



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