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  1. #1
    Hentai_JP's Avatar

    Mitsudomoe (TV).

    From production guys behind Minami-ke(first season) comes the hottest comedy of summer season - Mitsudomoe (TV).

    I feel the need to point out that mitsudomoe has nothing to do with moe. It is apparently a traditional Shintoism symbol of the threefold division between Heaven, Sky, & Earth. This suggests eternal conflict/balance between three forces and guess what, these three forces are quite vivid in the anime.

    The anime is about a bunch of grade schoolers, three Minami Marui sister in particular, where they do penis jokes. That may turn creepy later on but so far it's pure hilarity. Actually a lot of humour is sexual in nature, like a hamster named... Nipple. I am not even kidding. But I like that kind of humour so its a plus. The first episode does shows a lot of potential, which I can't say about well... any other anime that came out so far this season.

    EDITED: So it should not be a surprise that based on just one episode I safely give Mitsudomoe the "best of season" award (On the second thought I'll reserve that judgment as High School Of The Dead made me reconsider - there is hope yet). At least something to be excited about every week.

    And if anyone wants a little preview here is the opening joke (I have to commend the excellent choice for music - the sequence wouldn't be half as good without it):


  2. #2
    garfield15's Avatar

    Mitsudomoe (TV).

    Quote Originally Posted by Hentai_JP
    And if anyone wants a little preview here is the opening joke (I have to commend the excellent choice for music - the sequence wouldn't be half as good without it):

    God, yes. Epic Musical chairs (not really) works so much better in animated format when you add latin chanting with it. That literally sold me on the show.

    -I guess this fulfills the necessary "dance OP" number needed every season.

    -So yeah, I wasn't exactly thinking about watching this. Mainly because after watching Hanamaru Kindgarten and enjoying that, I figured this would be kind of a dumber version of that. And I was kind of right but this was actually really funny. I think once they kicked in the Latin chanting for epic musical chairs, I was laughing my ass off.

    -And while I don't really think two much of the other two, Hitoha is my favorite (and a Sentai fan according to the ED)

    -I am so glad that Yoshii from BakaTest is the voice of the teacher. He's perfect for stuff like this.

  3. #3
    hockey stick
    hockey stick's Avatar
    I immediately felt I had to draw some parallels to Kodomo no Jikan for obvious reasons.

    First of the story seem to revolve around three troublesome kids and their teacher, [spoiler]were one or two of the kids seem to be of sadistic nature.[/spoiler]

    The show is also characterized by sex-related jokes including penis- and ball-breaking humor. [spoiler]It seems there will be some romance as well between our protagonist-teacher and the new school nurse[/spoiler] (tiiiiiiiiny spoiler from KnJ), [spoiler]as with the protagonist and the PE teacher in KnJ. In both shows though the love seems to be unrequited.[/spoiler]

    Unlike KnJ though, Mitsudomoe doesn't seem to be treading on too perverted and forbidden ground... yet... and so far there is no drama whatsoever, not that it has to matter. I'm not completely sold on that it's not moe though. They can call the "style" whatever they want but the characters still look quite moe to me. But I don't mind, I actually find the style to be quite refreshing for some reason.

    First episode was fun [spoiler]and surprisingly... gory, in lack of a better word.[/spoiler] Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

  4. #4
    12skippy21's Avatar
    I found this surprisingly funny. I tend to check out the first episode for most series but the dramatic classical music to a chair game was cool. I remember playing musical chairs like that when I was a kid :lol:

    I saw the 'nipple' gag coming but it was still was rather amusing. The quiet occasionally demonic girl is already my favourite. As hockey stick said, this is not as risque as Kodomo no Jikan but I do not think it shall be, it comes across as a simple comedy, which I think it should stay with.

    Not sure if it will maintain its humour level but the first episode passes in my book.

  5. #5
    DuskyPredator's Avatar
    I liked the first episode. I especially like how the crowning moment of heartwarming was also the crowning moment of funny, I was so distracted by the joke I was barely paying attention heartwarming. I thought this show might be like Kodomo no Jikan, or Hanamaru Kindergarten, but it is kind of different again, pluss it doesn't quite look like there are fobiden crushes.

    Pluss the jokes which seem largely sexual in nature might come off as funny without appearing too creepy. And the first episode gave us little tastes of other characters in the show so we don't just have bland secondary characters. I think I will continue looking forward to this.

  6. #6
    the Rancorous
    the Rancorous's Avatar
    These comments peaked my interest in this show, so I checked out the first episode. I must say, at least its art-style isn't as distracting as that Kindergarten show a few seasons back.

    To my dismay, I did not laugh a single time in this episode, not even a half-chuckle. The jokes were either poorly executed or just flat out lame (especially that scene the OP linked). The pervy nature of the humor is just cheap and juvenile (though I guess that's fitting with the age of the students... I guess...). One particular joke dealing with lil' miss annoying laugh really didn't make sense at all: [spoiler]okay, so there's one less chair set up for the people in class for this game. Miss annoying laugh cheats by sitting on another student to fake that she's sitting in a chair. Wait, where's the chair that belonged to that kid she's sitting on? What's up with that?[/spoiler] Joke fail. Complete laziness.

    I did not find those three girls funny at all; they're annoying little brats who need a good spanking from their parents in order to set them straight. I really don't see the appeal of this show at all. I don't know, maybe I just hate kids; I'll just stick with that claim...

  7. #7
    Spastic Minnow
    Spastic Minnow's Avatar
    I also have to say I didn't laugh much at this show. Nothing with the chair game. Some sparse chuckles at attempts to send the teacher to the nurse, and finally almost laughed noticeably at the final hamster discussion.

    I prefer likable characters. The girls are unrestrained brats and the teacher seems more inept and untrained than his forebears in Kodomo and Hanumaru.

    I'll give it a couple more episodes though. The trend for anime first episodes seems to be as completely outrageous and loud as you possibly can in a first episode in an effort to catch attention. Last season you had Arakawa in particular doing this but settling down and hitting a stride nicely.

  8. #8
    Miranox's Avatar
    Pretty good first episode. I can't say for sure if it's the best comedy of the season until I try all the new series, but Mitsudomoe has potential. At the very least it's MUCH better than Seitokai Yakuindomo and Ōkami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi.

  9. #9
    Teriyaki Terrier
    Teriyaki Terrier's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Miranox
    Pretty good first episode. I can't say for sure if it's the best comedy of the season until I try all the new series, but Mitsudomoe has potential. At the very least it's MUCH better than Seitokai Yakuindomo and Ōkami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi.
    IN Okami defense, at least the characters don't like kids. I have a feeling, like I did with Kodomo and Himaru that this show will become one of those shows.

    And by those I mean like Kodomo and several others. It's all right if there are students there, provided there isn't any fanservice and there aren't any forbidden relationships.

    Edit: After less than three minutes, I stopped watching this show. What those kids need is extremely strict discipline or see a family therapist.

    There is nothing "cute" about someone glaring/sneering at you or blatantly ignoring the teacher. If the characters are this bad in the beginning, I shudder to think what would happen if they were in high school or so.

    So needless to say, I am dropping this series like a bad habit.

  10. #10
    RHachicho's Avatar
    I have learned to avoid shows where all the artwork shows the characters with a permanent "blush". Still that opening fight was kinda funny. It's kinda the truth of children too (not the martial arts and the explosions ofc) everyone expects them to be cute but they are brutal little b*ggers. Pity I can't find a subbed version but I am sure someone will do it soon enough.



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