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  1. #1
    frentymon's Avatar

    Fairy Tail (TV).

    Fairy Tail (TV)

    I'm a fan of the series and I'm caught up to the manga, so I was anticipating this show. So far, it's done a pretty standard, okay job, with a few things that threw me off a little. The animation is pretty so-so, pretty weak actually considering 2009 (even throwaway bishoujo-game adapted anime these days have superior animation quality). The execution was good, it follows the anime pretty faithfully so far and in terms of plot and pacing, was exactly how I expected it to be. OP and ED themes were both pretty forgettable, although I was moderately impressed by the medieval-themed background music.

    The voice acting is where I had a few gripes. I came in already knowing that Aya Hirano was voicing Lucy, and considering her recent tragic voice acting failures, comprised of a complete voice mismatch in playing Yuki from White Album and that girl in Akane Iro, I was not looking forward to having her in the show at all. Her voice matches very specific character types, mostly offbeat eccentric girls, and Lucy didn't seem to fit that type. But surprisingly, her voice ended up fitting her pretty well, which was good. She did end up sounding a bit like Haruhi sometimes, but Aya actually managed to make her voice fit a very normal girl like Lucy.

    So Lucy wasn't an issue for me, but Natsu and Happy's (the blue cat) voices kind of were. Natsu's is too low, and Happy's is a little too squeaky. I imagined a more boy-ish shounen-y voice for Natsu, since I've always thought of him as very kid-like. Happy's I can get used to, but I always imagined a Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) kind of voice, and it turned out completely different.

    Anyway, overall, I'm pleasantly satisfied. It didn't exceed expectations or anything, but I think it's one show that I'm going to enjoy this season.

  2. #2
    Abunai's Avatar
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    I'm very fond of the Fairy Tail manga, so I was looking forward to this show. However, I agree with frentymon, the casting is off.

    Personally, I rather dislike Hirano Aya's voice altogether, but it does suit only a very few character types. It did not fit with the type of voice that I had imagined for Lucy, at all. Likewise, Kakihara Tetsuya (as Natsu) has an unsuitable voice for his character, too masculine and deep.

    I can go along with Kugimiya Rie as Happy. Her voice doesn't have to be that high, she can easily hit a lower register -- so I must conclude that the high voice is an artifact of the voice direction, and therefore part and parcel of the overall failure of the voice casting and direction... so far.

    Having said all that, the animation was okay. Not exactly stellar, but more than passable. I have a feeling that we're going to get very tired of Natsu's attack sequences -- but that's par for the course with shounen series.

    I'll keep watching the series, but I do feel that it could have been (should have been) a lot better than it is.

    - abunai

  3. #3
    dawgstar's Avatar
    Fairy Tail's almost so shounen that watching it is kind of a formality but the cast is really likeable and suprisingly deep, relatively speaking. And it's fun - episodic as hell, but that's not a problem for me. I can go twist my brain with other stuff if I want - Fairy Tail's good chill out stuff.

    Can't help but echo what's been said on the animation. It really does seem kinda bland, especially considering how vibrant the manga is and just what you can do these days, even on a budget.

    What'll make or break it for me down the line is how cool Erza comes off.

  4. #4
    egoist's Avatar
    Shounen shows are the best to watch during my meals... since I won't miss the plot.
    Fairy Tail. Overall, more critics than necessary. Of course, who'd expect a lot of praises for a shounen show, not even One Piece gets that.
    Fairy Tail's character design ain't so bad, the main protagonist looks a bit too built up for a shounen main protagonist, not to mention his voice. I'd say they're directing our new Luffy towards female audience. The female protagonist ain't that bad looking, but damn, what a bad timing to start that after Haruhi: season 2. That mascot is just pathetic, he's so out of place. But well, it's a shounen show, that pathetic creature might just be a dragon in disguise. Who knows?
    Worth watching, but during meals only. Definitely not even close to One Piece.
    Maybe we should start calling this show Fairy Fail.

  5. #5
    Niomo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ctimene's Lover
    Aya Hirano's voice is an acquired taste to various otaku. I think it did match Lucy's spunky and adventurous personality. Animation does resemble One Piece a bit but that doesn't concern me. Fairy Tail is one of those anime/manga I enjoy but am not a super fan of. If I was a bigger fan, I would have mentioned more gripes. I do however enjoy the very Western setting theme. It has the medieval Europe essence to it.
    Unfortunately, every time Lucy opens her mouth I hear Haruhi. Probably as I learn more about the character this will become less, but right now, it's like im watching a third season of Haruhi. With different characters... :P

    I did find it surprising how quickly Lucy [spoiler]found an "in" to join Fairy Tale. I expected that to be the point of the season (The journey to get to Fairy Tale and then join), so I was pleasantly surprised. [/spoiler]

  6. #6
    ninjapet's Avatar
    The plot picks up when the first mission comes around.

    I think Lucy's voice is ok, besides the fact I can only think of Haruhi talking when ever I see Lucy now. (that isn't a bad thing)

    I like Happy, the back story for his is quite funny (it was a extra in the manga) [spoiler]Natsu fond him as a egg an hatched him thinking it was a dragon's egg[/spoiler]

    I thought the animation was good for a first episode. You have to think the manga is going strong still meaning the anime is going to be long running. They have to stretch money out till DVD sales start happening.

  7. #7
    everydaygamer's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ninjapet
    The plot picks up when the first mission comes around.

    I think Lucy's voice is ok, besides the fact I can only think of Haruhi talking when ever I see Lucy now. (that isn't a bad thing)

    I like Happy, the back story for his is quite funny (it was a extra in the manga) [spoiler]Natsu fond him as a egg an hatched him thinking it was a dragon's egg[/spoiler]

    I thought the animation was good for a first episode. You have to think the manga is going strong still meaning the anime is going to be long running. They have to stretch money out till DVD sales start happening.
    yeah for a first episode the animation was fine. if this really is gonna be a long running series then its fine. i mean other long running series didn't pull out all the stops for the first episode just look at naruto, bleach, gintama, reborn etc... it will prolly pick up over time.

  8. #8
    garfield15's Avatar
    Still lovin' that theme song. The soundtrack mixed with classical music for this show is brilliant. And when Natsu gets into the fight, I'm positive that he's going to break through the heavens with the power of his drill

    Liked it a lot better than the first episode. Completely 1/1 for the manga which is always a good thing.

    And personally, I like the magic circles. Sue me.

    The moment when Natsu says to Lucy that Happy isn't transportation was completely gold. I was laughing a lot.

  9. #9
    ninjapet's Avatar
    episode 2 was a lot better, then again the plot does pick up with the new mission that they do in next week's episode. (You get to see Lucy in action [spoiler]Plus a maid outfit, which is always a plus[/spoiler] )

    I like the magic circles to, don't see why you would hate them

  10. #10
    DuskyPredator's Avatar
    I saw it too, it was good, I am a magic anime fan, but I haven't seen the manga so I don't have I don't have crazy expectations. I am enjoying it so far keep seeing some interesting western influences such as the classical music and confusing Lucy's name with Luigi.

    Well there sure is a set up for intereting characters, strangely the one I found most interesting was the guy who apparently loses his clothes often. Did amyone else get a Gurren Lagann vibe at certain parts well I guess any pointing to the sky and yelling could give the feeling.



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