I have an HTML page which has a link...that link opens a new page in a new window. Perfect. But I want to make it so that the new page is not initially displayed from the top of the document...I want it to display at specified locations depending on which link opened it up.

My first page has links after a keyword...and every one of those links opens up the same HTML page. Depending on which link opened the page depends on where I want the initial position of the new page to display. So Lets say the first link says the word: Zebra. Then the user clicks: Learn More next to the word zebra and it pulls up the dictionary page. The Dictionary page opens and automatically brings the viewer to the end of the page where the word Zebra resides with its description. I know how to make this possible from within the same page...but to make one page open up and position automatically in a new HTML page....I'm not so sure. Any ideas?