My boyfriend gets mad at me for talking to other guys....especially the ones that have asked me out before. but i get it because thats normal. But the thing is he went on my facebook account and deleted a guy as my friends because hes asked me out before. I didnt know that, so a little while ago i just found out and so I added him back. And he started talking to me but my boyfriend wanted me to ignore him so i did. I mentioned that i found out that he deleted him and i said not to worry that i was ignoring him...but the other guy that was talking to me is actually really nice and our families are pretty I cant just delete him like that, he kept on talking to me so i felt really bad and i said hi back....and im completely honest with my boyfriend so I told him that I had to say hi back....and he got really really mad so I had to delete the guy againnnn right away i dont know why he gets jealous so fast?