its not actually *confess* but here's the story...
my teacher in science has a rule. When you failed her test:
First time : you need to describe the person you admire the most in the school.
Second Time: you need to tell the name of that person in front of the whole class
Third Time : you are going to tell that person that he's the one you admire the most.
so its my third time now.... The person I described is a year above me...hes my cool and handsome...well almost everyone likes him >.<
on monday my teacher and classmates will come with me on the 4th floor and they are going to watch me but i really cant do it i mean its so embarrassing im going to say i have a crush on him while hes having his lessons and behind me are my 42 classmates?! I haven't even talk to him for sure he'll think im a freak or even worse he'll despise me.. so what am i going to do? pretend to be sick and be absent on monday?