I was denied my financial aid this quarter due to failing 1 class and earning 2 credit hours less than what I needed in order to keep it. During the time of the quarter I was being treated for lumbar disc disease so I was in severe pain most of the time and the reason I failed was due to my low test scores in 1 class, my classes were online and I had to go to campus only to take the tests for 1 class. I'm not able to drive on my medication so therefore I somewhat would rush through the test due to being in so much pain.

I did get a note from my doctor in regards to the lumbar disc disease and treatment; I just need some advice as to how much detail I should give them in regards to my back, not being able to drive, how I plan to succeed in the future,etc. I really don't know what they look for more when reading these appeals. The form has about half of a page I can write on so I'm trying to keep it short and to the point to where I don't have a 2nd page. Any advice would be great! Thank you.