I live in the West End area of downtown Vancouver in an apartment that allows One dog (or cat) per unit that weighs under 15 pounds. However, there is a lady in my apartment that has an extremely obvious problem with dogs. I usually try to be understanding but tonight really got me angry.

I was in the parking lot of my building trying to teach myself how to skateboard. I then heard a car coming so I moved away from where the car usually parks to give them room. They parked, and just as the couple were getting out of their car, my dog barked and the woman immediately jumped back into her car. I then realized that she was the woman that was afraid of dogs because of her religion. I held my dog back as she came out of the car furious that he was not on a leash. Dont get me wrong, my dog has been on the leash everytime I take him out since a few months ago when she complained about me. I have never been rude to her and have always respected her religion which is why it angered me when she went off about it being "the last time" she "warns" me about this issue.

It was 1am in the morning and the last thing I expected was for someone to be coming into the parking lot.

SO after all this background information, is there anything she can do to get rid of me or my dog? Im not going to test her, I'm just curious. The bylaws of my building say that Owners are allowed one dog or cat and renters are not allowed anything. I own my apartment and only have one dog so I am not breaking any rules by having him in the apartment. That's all I know. Are there any laws or bylaws I should know about? Ive read all the other things about dogs with violent tendencies but my dog is a bigger Pomeranian so no worried there! (:

Thabks guys! Really appreciate any help on this or how to sort things out with this lady. No, talking like civilized people is not an option. And no, i dont think she'll move out ):

Also, if your only advice is to leash my dog at all times, I'm already doing that. (: