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  1. #1

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 5.04: "More Worlds Than One" (Spoilers)

    Since no one apparently remembered to post this...

    Episode 5.04: More Worlds Than One
    Original Air Date: March 8, 2008
    Written by
    Christopher Yost

    Previously on TMNT: The Turtles trained with the Ninja Tribunal to prevent the resurrection of the Shredder. But when Splinter and the Ancient One expressed serious doubts about trusting the Tribunal, they left the Turtles confused. If they all agreed on the goal, why the doubts? To explain the danger to the Turtles, Splinter and the Ancient One revealed the secret history of the Tribunal? including the true origin of the Shredder!

    This week, on TMNT: The Turtles and company continue their training under the Ninja Tribunal, learning to fight in the physical as well as mental and spiritual worlds. They?re going to need that knowledge, because the second artifact of the Shredder has been found, guarded by a horde of nasty tengu demons that eat Acolytes for breakfast? literally!

  2. #2

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 5.04: "More Worlds Than One" (Spoilers)

    Raph said, "It's shell-kicking time!" twice in this episode before going into battle. See...we had catch phrases before Fast Forward's, "It's ninja time!" It's almost like its predecessor.

    Overall it was another training episode, but it did have parts that stood out. Mikey outrunning the Tribunal member was hilarious, and I love the fact that Raph and Don are the first two to master their powers over Leo and Mike.

    I also, for some reason, really liked the animation in this episode although I'm not sure why.

    Nice solid episode overall, I thought.

  3. #3
    MRS.MK's Avatar

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    Sep 2009

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 5.04: "More Worlds Than One" (Spoilers)

    Okay, Adam freaking ruled in this episode. His witty lines put a smile on my face, especially the part about him having the hots for the female trainer.

    And a cookie to anyone who caught the One Piece reference.

  4. #4

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 5.04: "More Worlds Than One" (Spoilers)

    Funny thing about that. I recently saw an 80's episode in which the turtles shout "It's Turtle Time!" I forget which episode though, so I may have to go and check it out.

    But I felt it was a great building up episode. The revelations on the Tribunals treatment of Leo and Splinter's vision made the episode. As did that scene where Adam was seriously crushing on that woman in the tribunal. I'm glad that the person to point that out wasn't one of the turtles (as Mikey pointing it out would be obvious). Other than that, not much storyline, just buliding tension. And foreshadowing the Turtle Taxi. Playmate is MAD for not making one in some aspect. maybe a smaller one to go with the Minimutants would work.

  5. #5

    TMNT Talkback: Episode 5.04: "More Worlds Than One" (Spoilers)

    Look, it's Demons and Dragons 2: Electric Boogaloo.

    Random thoughts:

    • So it's Tora Yoshida, Faraji Negala, and Joi...Renard? Renaud? Seriously, Kon and Chikara make it sound like two completely different names. But why doesn't Adam get a last name? Poop.
    • I like that at this point, some subtler differences are being highlighted in the Acolytes diffent skill sets--makes up for the lack of personality in a couple of them (specifically, Tora and Joi). However, I wish we could actually see more of them fighting, insead of always showcasing the turtles. I'd really like to see what sort of cool super-powers their weapons grant them.
    • On a similar note, I wish the episode had focused it's "am I not measuring up" on one of the Acolytes instead of on Leo. While it's not handled badly, Leo's been the focus of a lot of such stories, and the acolytes need the development more badly.
    • I'm not sure where they're going with Adam. They've paired him with Donnie, and, as the future will show, his suggestions for a turtle taxi will not have gone unnoticed, which makes him seem like the smart one in the Acolytes' pseudo-five-man band; however, comments such as "your sensei is a nezumi" also seems that he's being portrayed as...dim. The guy's likeable either way, and the portrayal seems realistic enough (maybe he's just a geek), but I just wish I had more to go on.
    • Did the show cut off for anyone else? For me, it went straight to commercials during the Leo/Mikey/Ancient One's conversation, and only returned during the Hisomi race.



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