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  1. #1
    summerbug's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    I don't mind most spoilers. In fact, I NEED them for some television shows I also agree with the comment that I'll check out movie spoilers if I only have a mild interest in the film and no real intention of seeing it.

    I'd rather someone didn't give away the whodunit or a plot twist in a suspense, mystery, etc. If it's a romantic comedy? Spoil away. I'm not watching for the surprise factor it's just plain old entertainment. SO, I can watch it unfold with or without spoilers

    I also agree that trailers are getting a little out of control. They either give away all the details or show you the whole movie and there is nothing new when you watch the actual film. Save those for the web - not inside the theatre.

  2. #2
    Rainstorm Jenny
    Rainstorm Jenny's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    I use to be a spoiler free woman and watch the treaser trailers. :lol:

  3. #3
    shrrshrr's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    Exactly! :lol:

  4. #4
    Summy's Avatar
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    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    I don't mind spoilers all that much, I still enjoy the movie. The difference between really seeing and only picturing.

    Teaser trailers are awesome (and annyoing, but that's sort of the point) Get's me all excited :P

  5. #5
    shrrshrr's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    :lol: Patience, woman! But if you still loved the film (and you obviously did) then it's no big deal.

    As for traliers - I sort of agree with all of you but I definitely only mean for teaser trailers. Teaser trailers are awesome because they get me psyched for the film, but extended trailers are just awful these days - WAY too much is given away, in my opinion.

  6. #6
    Rainstorm Jenny
    Rainstorm Jenny's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    Even though I love to be suprised, there are certains films that I cant help but be spoiled with. For example, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead man's chest. I tried to fight the urge to not read someone's livejournal that wrote almost everything about what happened in the movie and even though I only needed to wait until the next day to see it for myself, I couldnt fight it and gave in to the temptation and read the whole thing. Im so bad at times :lol:

  7. #7
    Enigma's Avatar
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    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    In general I like to remain spoiler free for a movie. I don't want to know big twists or who lives and who dies or anything really. Even if I love a character or hate a character or like or don't like certain ships, I don't want to be spoiled.......if the outcome isn't something I like or want it will taint the whole movie for me before I even see it.

    However, I don't consider trailors spoilers. I love trailors and it gets me excited to see the movie. However, I don't like trailors that include major plot points or spoilers, etc. It annoys me to no end in comedy trailors when every joke in the movie is in the trailors.............for example the movies Click or Date Movie. Pretty much all of the jokes in the movie were in the various trailors.

  8. #8
    BabyJ's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    Oh man that's a strict spoiler-free routine. :lol:

    I love trailers; they get me hyped up for movies. And I don't really consider them spoilers since chances are the scenes are put out of place to deceive people in the first place.

    As for spoilers, depends on the situation. I like spoilers for a general feel [pretty much the synopsis, if that even counts], and I sometimes like finding out who dies and other info about scenes that I perceive as minor, or at least not that major. But I usually stay away from major spoilers.

    Then again, it also depends on how confident I am in the movie [in the sense that it's gonna be good]. I love the Pirates franchise and remained mostly spoiler-free about Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, with the opening scene as the only exception. But for X-Men: The Last Stand, I was kind of skeptical and worried about the way everything would turn out after Bryan Singer's departure. So I pretty much read about the entire movie online before the movie even came out. Turns out I didn't really like the movie. Part of it is probably from knowing the movie beforehand, though there was probably a bigger part from certain events in the movie.

  9. #9
    shrrshrr's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    :lol: I agree with all of you.

    SleepingBeauty - I do the same thing if I'm not really interested in a film - I want to be spoiled to see if I'm missing anything or if I should bother with it.

    And yes - if there's a twist involved PLEASE don't spoil me, unless it's the death of a character I really love.

    And I agree with Clewless about reading spoilers being different from seeing the film/show, but when I read the first season Roswell finale spoilers I was devastated (I'm a Dreamer). Then, when I watched the show, I was devastated all over again! I couldn't believe I made myself suffer twice, and I really, really suffered.

    I need to get a grip and stay less emotionally involved with characters! Hee!

  10. #10
    Clewless's Avatar

    What do you think of spoilers? (General Discussion about them, not a rule thread)

    For the most part, I don't mind spoilers. I like to hang around websites that spoil the ending to movies. There's a difference for me between reading about what happened and actually seeing with my own eyes what happens on screen. I can still enjoy a movie because I get to see the actors playing out what I've read. If that made any sense. lol

    The only time that I don't like to be spoiled is if the film has a huge twist. Like "The Sixth Sense". I was in a 'guess the film' chatroom where people would give clues and you had to guess what the movie was. Someone ended up putting a clue for "The Sixth Sense" and totally ruined the big twist ending. When I watched the film later, all the suspense was gone and I think for that reason I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.

    I do hate when they show all the good parts in the trailers. You end up sitting there for 2 hours watching the same scenes that they repeatedly shoved in your face on TV. You may have found that joke funny when you first watched the trailer, but by the time the movie arrives, its played out.



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